Hope Driven Development
You know it works, why prove it? Tests make your build process take longer just to tell you things you already know.
Why are you here?
You probably got here because a project linked you here. Congrats, that project probably doesn't have tests so we all just have to hope the maintainers are really good at manual testing to make sure it keeps working.
Build Badge
You've got hope! Proudly tell your users that it's all that keeps your project running. Put this build badge in your README.md so everyone knows where you stand on testing.
<a href="http://www.hopedrivendevelopment.com"> <img title="Hope" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/tested%20by-H%C2%AF%5C__(%E3%83%84)__%2F%C2%AFPE-green.svg"> </a>
ReStructured Text
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/tested%20by-H%C2%AF%5C__(%E3%83%84)__%2F%C2%AFPE-green.svg :target: http://www.hopedrivendevelopment.com :alt: Hope